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The white light is made up of 7 different colours.



英 [ʃædəʊ]  美 [ʃædo]

n. 七彩;五彩缤纷的排列;幻想

adj. 五彩缤纷的;七彩状的

vt. 使呈七彩状;如七彩般装饰

vi. 呈七彩状

Hello there! Clouds are the best place to hang around.你好,云端漫步是真的惬意。

Not when its raining!但下雨时就没那么舒服了!

My my, what is that?天哪,那是什么?

Well, thats a Rainbow!那是七彩!

Come, let me tell about how a rainbow is formed!来吧  我给你讲讲七彩是怎样逐步形成的!

Wondering what this it, right?想知道这是什么,对吧?

Well, this is a Prism.这是一个棱镜。

It breaks a single beam of white light into several beams of light.它能将一束白光分成几束光。

Oops! Did I share the secret with you?I havent?哎呀 !有个秘密我告诉你了吗?还没有吗?


Ohh! Do you know thatthe white light is made up of 7 different colours?你知道白光是由7种不同的颜色的光组成的吗?

Yes, it is!没错!

Take a glass of water and place a mirror inside it.取一杯水,在里面放一面镜子。

Make sure the room is completely dark.确保房间完全黑暗。

Take a torch and flash it towards the mirror that you placed inside the glass.拿起手电筒,照向水杯里的镜子。

Watch a rainbow appear from the angle of your mirror.通过镜子的折射就能看到七彩了。

Now, place the paper and see the seven colours!现在放一张纸,就能看到七色光了。

Hey, can you identify these colours?你知道这些颜色的名字吗?

Come, lets say their names together.来,我们一同说出他们的名字。

Red, Orange, Yellow,Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫。

Together, they are also called VIBGYOR.他被合称为VIBGYOR(光谱)。


So now I will tell you how a Rainbow is formed.我来告诉你七彩是怎样逐步形成的。

The raindrops act as small prisms and Suns white light into a band of 7 colours and that is when you get to see a Rainbow.雨滴充当小棱镜的角色太阳的白光被变成了七色的彩带这时你就看到了七彩。

Just to remind you,a rainbow can only be seen when the Rain and Sun occur at the same time.提醒一下只有雨和太阳同时出现,才能看到七彩。

As light enters a rain water droplet,it bends slightly in separate angles forming different light rays.当光线进入雨滴就会发生不同角度的弯曲,逐步形成不同光线。

These bent light rays are seen distinctively by the human eye and that is how one can see a rainbow.这些被折射的光线分别被人眼所看见,这就是人们看到的七彩。

No two observers will ever see the exact same rainbow because each person will view a different set of rain drops at a slightly different angle.没有两个观察者能看到完全相同的七彩,因为每个人都在以略微不同的角度观赏不同的雨滴。


Did you know that a rainbow is actually a full circle?你知道七彩实际上是一个完备的圆圈吗?

but since we see it on the ground, we generally see it as a semi-circle.但因为我们是在地面上看它,我们总将其视为半圆形。

Rainbows can be seen not just in rain but also in mist, spray, fog, and dew.七彩不仅可以在雨天看到,还可以在雾天、霾天和露水中看到。

So now whenever its raining, look out for the sun.所以现在每当下雨的时候,都注意看看太阳。

Who knows, you might just spot a Rainbow.谁知道,也许你就看到七彩了呢。







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